Living Independently

January 20, 2023

Date: 23/02/2022 at 3:33PM

I mostly enjoy the freedoms and advantages of being independent. This means that I buy my food for myself, cook for myself, do household chores for myself, and manage my own life for myself. While it may seem like it is too much of a burden, I actually enjoy being able to take responsibility of all of my needs instead of relying on others to do it for me. I have gained a lot of experience in managing a household and determining which things are necessary to do and which are unnecessary.

If anything is more than I can handle, I usually break it up into parts like washing some clothes on a particular day and then the rest on another day. Yes, I wash my clothes by hand. I take utmost care of my household by sweeping, mopping, and washing anything that isn’t clean such as floors, rugs, and dishes.

Cooking for me is a joy because I can make as much food as I want and I can prepare it to my taste. The best meal I can make so far is beef, spinach, and rice. I have not tried to make ugali yet but I will try to when I have the effort because it is very labor intensive. Going out to restaurants is also beneficial to me however I want to reduce the amount I spend on eating out so I avoid it when I am able.

Transportation is also a skill that I have learned from being able to take Uber, to using busses and matatus, to even walking to my destination. Also, there are boda bodas which are plentiful and helpful. It is challenging when you are not fully familiar with the geography of an area to where you can go somewhere without planning yet I am resourceful with my maps which help me navigate.

Best of all I know that through all of my challenges there are the reward of accomplishing something that I can say “I did it myself”. To me, that makes it all worth it and keeps me motivated to handle every obstacle in front of me.

More about paulson.kimani